Sunday, October 3, 2010

can the child within my hear rise above?

I spent the weekend at a Monastery of St. Gertrude.  I went on a retreat there with a group of people from the interfaith house.  It was so cool!  I loved hanging out with the nuns.  I paid special attention to the art in the monastery and boy was it impressive!  There were statues, paintings, and even needle-work hangings everywhere.  In one addition on the complex called the Spirit Center there were a lot of pieces made from recycled materials.  The building was built on a slope and they had to cut down some trees in the process of the construction.  So they took one of the trees that had to die to a local artist and he made it into a lovely sculpture.  It appeared to be shaped somewhat like a dog bone, but curvier; and it was about 7 or 8 feet high.  Anyways, I loved how they took something that was old and going to become sawdust and turned it into a welcoming and approachable sculpture.  The wooden sculpture especially fit in this building because the building's theme was nature.  The walls and ceiling were a soft green, the floor was stone tile.  So I really got the feeling of nature and the once-a-tree wooden sculpture really helped.  I wish I had taken a picture, but I did not bring my camera. 

observation:  i have 42 photographs (some are pictures I took, most are postcards) hanging on my wall.  I face them when I sit at my desk.  I have never counted them before.  Now that I have, I don't like that I know how many there are.

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