Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tomorrow May Rain, So I'll Follow the Sun

I try to live in the present.  Our whole society is very futuristic.  These are the questions we answer:  high school-where are you gonna go to college?  college-are you gonna go to grad school?  grad school-where are you gonna work?  once we've found a job-when are you gonna find a spouse?  married-when are you gonna have kids? 

is it so wrong to just want to live for today and not tomorrow once in a while?  I don't think so.  We should not sacrafice our present for our "future present."  The present we have now is just as important as our present will be in ten years.  Every second is the same and will be the same.  We stress out so much over doing things now to guarantee a happy future.  But first of all, it is not possible to plan a happy future.  We have very little control over the future, only over ourselves.  Secondly, happiness should not be a destination, but rather a lifestyle.  I choose to live with joy, a lifestyle that I have not always had, but now am very grateful for.  Sure my pants just got drenched in dirty street water when the bus drove by and splashed them, but one could say I just became better off than those who didn't get splashed.  There is some aspect of life, something to sense with smell, touch, sight, hearing, (hopefully not taste), that I now understand a little better than everyone else.  My mind becomes that much more well-rounded.  There are certainly times when I don't feel happy and I have learned to accept those times.  I don't pretend to be happy when I'm not.  But I have realized that it all starts with baby steps.  If something good happens to you, don't just let it pass by with indifference.  Shout for joy when you get a good grade on a test, or when you splurge and buy the fance kind of pesto, or when, in my case, you find a quarter on the ground!  Appreciating the small things is a big part of my lifestyle. 

Don't live your life now just being anxious for the future to arrive.  I tell myself, the future doesn't exist.  Only today.  And possibly tomorrow (so I should probably do my homework just in case).

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